I can… because I am Archie

In May 2020 we took Archie to Sydney for his first NAPA Intensive. NAPA (Neurological and Physical Abilitation) Centre.

The NAPA Intensive consisted of a 3 week block of intensive Occupational therapy, Physiotherapy and Speech Pathology for 4 hours a day, 5 days a week. The program of therapy was specifically designed for Archie to target the areas that he most needed to work on. 

We weren’t quite sure what to expect from the NAPA Intensive, but I had heard so many great reports from other parents that we decided to embark on the trip from Melbourne to Sydney for 3 weeks.

We were definitely not disappointed. The staff were friendly, professional and were able inspire Archie to work hard to get results. Over the three week period we noticed huge improvements in balance, leg strength and core strength enabling Archie to improve his gross motor skills, like running and jumping.  Archie developed considerable strength in his shoulders which will help with developing his fine motor skills, just in time for school next year.

One of the major gains for Archie, besides the improvements in both fine and gross motor skills was his improvement with Speech development. Archie attended 1 hour of PROMPT Speech therapy daily for 3 weeks which has taken his speech to a whole new level. Archie’s speech has gone from being unintelligible to now being easier to understand and quite clear.

All these new skill acquisitions have sent Archie’s confidence through the roof. We are seeing huge improvements in his desire to try new things and improvements with his social skills, leading to improved social interaction with others. This has really been the most impressive and life changing development of all.

For anyone considering an intensive NAPA program, you will not be disappointed. We were able to utilise part of Archie’s NDIS funding to cover the cost of the therapy and we were given an exercise program to continue Archie’s therapy at home.  Archie’s results and ongoing gains have been really exciting to watch and I am looking forward to Archie attending another NAPA intensive once it comes to Melbourne in 2021.


NAPA have just announced they are opening a service in Melbourne on 13th Sept 2020 providing Intensives and weekly sessions. 

Registration for Intensive services takes place a year in advance, and the services are provided on a first in, first served basis. 

Details of locations and therapists will be provided by NAPA Melbourne in the future.  If you are interested, please follow the link to the NAPA website.

PWSAV do not endorse NAPA (Neurological and Physical Abilitation) Centre.
Please consider if this program is right for your child.

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Article By Sarah Rees

Sarah lives in Geelong and her youngest son Jayden was born with Prader-Willi Syndrome. Sarah has been an active member of the Prader-Willi Syndrome community and holds a position on the Prader-Willi Syndrome Association of Victoria Inc. board and holds the position of Vice President and Event Coordinator.